DIRECTORATE of Drug Demand Reduction

Ngozi Anthonia Madubuike Phd

Director, Drug Demand Reduction

The Directorate of Drug Demand Reduction is responsible for the initiation and implementation of policies, strategies, and interventions aimed at reducing the demand for drugs within society. Basically, this approach focuses on drug use prevention, treatment, care, and recovery efforts to address drug abuse and addiction, ultimately aiming to decrease drug consumption and its associated negative consequences.

Strategies employed include:

    Educating individuals, particularly young people, about the risks and consequences of drug use targeting different groups through school programmes, community initiatives, advocacy, sensitization, public awareness, campaigns, and outreach efforts.
    Providing access to psychosocial interventions and rehabilitation services for individuals struggling with drug addiction. This may involve medical interventions, counseling, therapy, support groups, and other forms of treatment tailored to individual needs. The Directorate also offers support and resources to individuals in recovery from drug addiction to help them maintain sobriety and reintegrate into society. This can include relapse prevention programmes like peer support programmes, vocational training, and other forms of support services.

Overall, the Directorate seeks to address the root causes of drug abuse and addiction by creating awareness of dangers inherent in drug abuse, promoting healthier lifestyles, and mitigating the social, economic, and public health impacts of drug use on individuals and communities.

To achieve the above objectives, the Drug Demand Reduction Directorate functions through Four (4) major Units namely:

  1. Research and Statistics Unit: The Directorate collects data on Treatment Demand from the Agency’s Counselling Centres in order to understand the nature and extent of drug use in the Country. Data collected serve as part of the data for the Nigeria Epidemiological Network on Drug Use Report while the result helps in the initiation of culturally relevant interventions.

  2. Non-Governmental Organisations Liaison Unit (NGO): The Directorate collaborates with NGOs involved in DDR activities and has evolved an excellent working relationship in the following ways:
      The Directorate vets and registers NGOs in DDR and has developed a comprehensive Register of NGOs in DDR in Nigeria.
      Liaising with and keeping records of all discourse with Non-Governmental Organizations involved in Drug Demand Reduction.
      The Directorate builds the capacity of NGOs involved in Drug Demand Reduction by organizing Trainings and workshops for members of NGOs.
      The Directorate collaborates with other stakeholders in the initiation and implementation of anti-drug programmes. For instance, the Federal Ministries of Education, Women Affairs, Health, etc.
      Supports as resource persons in anti-drug programmes organized by NGOs.

  3. Treatment and Rehabilitation of Drug Dependent Persons: The Directorate offers Psychosocial Interventions (counseling) and social re-integration of persons who use drugs and their families. Individuals with manifestations of physical symptoms (Drug Use Disorder) or with comorbidity are referred to other treatment centers for more comprehensive treatment. To achieve the above objectives, the Directorate manages and operates the Agency’s Residential Counseling and rehabilitation centers in Thirty (30) State Commands of the Federation. (See more for list)

  4. Sensitization Unit: The Unit is charged with the responsibility of creating awareness of drug use and its associated consequences targeting the general populace with emphasis on the vulnerable groups – women, youths, and children leveraging on the War Against Drug Abuse (WADA) Initiative. Therefore, advocacy and sensitization programs targeting children in school (Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Institutions) and Out of School youths (Street children, youths in motor parks, markets, etc. Other places include workplaces, markets, communities, motor parks, etc. The Unit organizes anti-drug abuse activities which include the launch of War Against Drug Abuse Clubs in school, organizing competitions like quiz, debates, Essays, etc. The Units also target relevant stakeholders and gatekeepers for instance Religious, Traditional, and Community leaders, Significant Individuals, Heads of Parastatals and Agencies, Professionals, etc. The Unit also conducts training for Stakeholders including Non-Governmental Organizations, Law Enforcement Agencies, Teachers, etc.

In order to create awareness of the inherent consequences of drug abuse and illicit drug trafficking, the Units design and print Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) materials with different concepts and illustrations in the forms of posters, handbills, stickers, notebooks, T-Shirts, Face caps, etc. for distribution during anti-drug programs.